Senin, 19 Maret 2012

Special Fried Rice Recipe | Indonesian Food

Special Fried Rice Recipe 

Ingredients: * 4 plate of white rice
* 200 grams of shrimp, peeled, halved, garami, fried
* 100 grams of crab meat / small crab, boiled, stir-fried with butter
* 1 chicken breast, poached, shredded meat, shredded
* 4 eggs, make a cow
* 2 tablespoons butter
* 2 teaspoons of tomato puree
* Cucumbers and tomatoes to taste

Seasoning Recipe Fried Rice Special :

     * 6 red chilies, trimmed, seeded
     * 10 pieces of red onion
     * 1 cm shrimp paste
     * 1 teaspoon granulated sugar
     * 2 teaspoons salt

How to Make Fried Rice :

  • Saute the ground spices with butter, pour 2 tablespoons of water and tomato puree. Add chicken and stir well. Add rice, cook until done.
  • Serve with fried rice put in atasya crabs, fried shrimp, egg, cucumber and tomato slices.

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