Minggu, 18 Maret 2012

Chocolate Milk for Recovery Drink

Chocolate Milk has a better benefit to the recovery process after strenuous physical exercise, compared to other sports drinks. Shall be referred to a study.

In four studies conducted in sequence, researchers revealed, chocolate milk can repair and rebuild muscles, much more effective than specially designed carbohydrate drinks.

The results were then presented by the James Madison University before a conference of the American College of Sports Medicine in Seattle, USA.

The researchers believe, drinking low-fat chocolate milk after strenuous physical exercise as well as to prepare the muscles to function better in the next game for the athletes.

Benefit from a combination of carbohydrates and proteins are available in milk chocolate is very suitable for recovery.

The study also revealed that milk chocolate has a corresponding ratio of carbohydrates and protein can add energy to the tired muscles and protein in milk can help the muscles that ideal.

Milk also provides fluids for rehydration and electrolytes, including potassium, calcium and magnesium are lost due to physical exercise, including sports for recreational or professional athletes after strenuous activities.

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